2016 New Coder Survey

the first open data survey on new coders.
15K+ people learning to code all over the world.

CodeNewbie and FreeCodeCamp


The results of our international survey of 15,494 new coders.



What's your gender?

13,746 respondents


Do you receive disability benefits from your government?

13,530 respondents


Have you served in your country's military before?

13,550 respondents


How old are you?

13,613 respondents


What's the highest degree or level of school you have completed?

13,679 respondents

(If currently enrolled, highest degree received.)

What was the main subject you studied in university?

8,450 respondents


What's your marital status?

4,010 respondents

Do you have children?

4,012 respondents

How many children do you have?

2,554 respondents


About how much money did you make last year (in US Dollars)?

7,329 respondents

Do you have any debt?

13,610 respondents

Do you financially support any dependents?

13,640 respondents

(Dependents include a spouse, children, elderly relatives, and relatices with disabilities.)

Do you have student loan debt?

6,371 respondents

About how much do you owe in student loans (in US Dollars)?

3,514 respondents

Do you financially support any elderly relatives or relavites with disabilities?

3,996 respondents

Do you have a home mortgage?

6,371 respondents

About how much do you owe on your home mortgage (in US Dollars)?

1,501 respondents

Do you have high speed internet at your home?

13,625 respondents


Are you already working as a software developer?

15,537 respondents

Are you willing to relocate for a job?

5,487 respondents

Do you consider yourself under-employed?

8,645 respondents

(Underemployed means working a job that is below your education level.)

Regarding employment status, are you currently ...

12,904 respondents

Which field do you work in?

7,608 respondents


Which country do you currently live in?

322 countries

13,610 respondents

Are you an ethnic minority in your country?

13,645 respondents

About how many people live in your city?

13,630 respondents


Which language do you speak at home with your family?

13,582 respondents

Career & Money

Would you prefer to work...

6,739 respondents

Would you prefer to work for a...

11,189 respondents

Which one of these roles are you most interested in?

6,503 respondents

When do you plan to start applying for developers jobs?

6,747 respondents

About how much money do you expect to earn per year at your first developer job (in US Dollars)?

6,077 respondents


Have you attended a full-time coding bootcamp?

15,380 respondents

Have you finished yet?

933 respondents

Which bootcamp did you attend?

895 respondents

How many months ago did you finish your bootcamp?

631 respondents

Based on your experience, would you recommend this bootcamp to your friends?

937 respondents

Were you able to get a full time developer job afterwards?

635 respondents

How much was your salary (in US Dollars)?

330 respondents

Did you take out a loan to pay for the bootcamp?

934 respondents

Learning to Code

About how many months have you been programming for?

15,014 respondents

About how many hours do you spend learning each week?

14,942 respondents

Aside from the university tuition, about how much money have you spent on learning to code so far (in US Dollars)?

14,679 respondents

Which learning resources have you found helpful?

15,269 respondents

Which types of in-person coding events have you attended?

15,055 respondents


Data for the New Coder Survey is available in .csv format here.